Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Tim Casasola

I get so many awkward silences when I dig into what compromises and trade-offs have to be taken into account while prioritizing a portfolio of activities, features or projects. There's is a lot of magic thinking happening out there — "Let's commit to 100 projects even if we have the capacity for 50".

I don't remember where I read the term "goal attracting" as an alternative of "goal setting" but everything you shared here (the Boris workshop, Even Over statements) seems to be going towards creating "goal attractors" — So the best way to have good goals seems be to...not to set them!

Speaking of tools for creating goals attractors and evaluating tradeoffs, I found the Bento method quite interesting (https://bentoism.org/2-the-bento-method#36) which also offers a handy way to spot patterns (https://bentoism.org/2-the-bento-method#7).

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